fyjc mumbai
FYJC admission- After the second merit list was announced the chaos continues for the allotment of seats in Junior colleges. Many students got through the second merit list for FYJC via online admissions but discovered that the college they had been allotted doesn’t have enough vacant seats.
This happened at a number of junior colleges across Mumbai on Monday morning, resulting in big chaos. Colleges had been allotted double, triple and in some cases even four times the students than the number of vacant seats they had for FYJC admission.
SIES College had 64 vacant seats after the first merit list and allotted 157 students in the second merit list. The students were admitted according to 2nd merit list on Monday and have called the rest of the students on Tuesday to check if they get a seat. At National College, Bandra, some students got admission in the second merit list but after reaching the college on Monday, it actually did not have enough seats to accommodate all the students whose names appeared in the 2nd meri list.
Complete confusion happened at Mira Road’s Royal College on Monday as hundreds of students lined up to take admission after they were all allotted a seat in the second merit list. But actually there were only 38 vacant seats in the commerce stream and 206 students have been allotted seats in the 2nd merit list. Even at Hinduja College of Commerce, Charni Road, 785 students were allotted seats after the second merit list; the college had only 500 seats unfilled after the first merit list.
According to the deputy director’s office, 20% more students were sent as the state expected several students to cancel admissions.
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