Monday, July 20, 2009

Lord Shiva devotees carrying 54-feet long Kanwar draw people in Patna

lord shiva
lord shiva

PATNA - A group of Kanwarias or, the devotees of Lord Shiva, are drawing wide public attention for carrying a 54-feet long Kanwar or, a wooden carrier fitted with water pots on both ends of the pole, in Patna city.

Hundreds of thousands of devotees take arduous on-foot religious journey to express their devotion for Lord Shiva in the Hindu month of Shravan or Monsoon month (mid June to July).

This group, however, is a fascinating everyone’s attention, as members of the group enjoy their time dancing and chanting praises of Lord Shiva.

The lanes and by-lanes of the city reverberating with the chants of the devotees and hundreds of people gather to watch them, as the group moves on.

Normally, as per the ritual, a devotee is expected to carry one Kanwar, the pole carrying two water pots on behalf of his family. But, this time, it is 18 people carrying this 54 feet long ‘Kanwar’ wishing for the well-being of their families and all people.

“Our only aim is to pray for well being of the people. We are praying for rains, to deal with the drought. People should be happy. Our farms should be green again, so that we can earn our living,” said Vinod Kumar, one of the Kanwarias carrying the 54-feet Kanwar.

These Kanwarias are set to traverse hundreds of kilometres to reach the holy town of Baidyanath.

The pilgrimage continues through the whole of Shravan month of Hindu calendar (July-August) for 30 days and is considered the longest fair of the world, drawing a lot of devotees from abroad.

The devotees with this unique ‘kanwar’ believe that this is just another way of showing their faith in Shiva and praying for good rains.

Devouts believe, offering sacred water to Lord Shiva during the month will fulfill their wishes.

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